Download Notae Latinae: An Account of Abbreviation in Latin Mss. of the Early ...
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Author: Wallace Martin Lindsay

Religious Books in Newton's Library |.
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01. Abréviations - Ménestrel
A handbook of Latin poetry, containing selections from Ovid, Virgil, and Horace, with notes and grammatical references.
A : a n or a (littera) f a priori : a priori abandon, forsake : (de)relinquo relinquere relIqui relictus, dEsero deserere deserui desertus abandonment : (de)relictio
Full text of "Minor Latin poets; with introductions and English translations"
Notae Latinae: An Account of Abbreviation in Latin Mss. of the Early ...
Notae Latinae: An Account of Abbreviation in Latin Mss. of the Early ...
Titus Livius (Livy), Ab Urbe Condita,.
01. Abréviations - Ménestrel
Middle Ages. 2540 books in list (last updated 14 October 2010) Please visit our new site for updated stock listings and secure order facilities
Religious Books in Newton's Library. Based by kind permission of Cambridge University Press on John Harrison, The Library of Isaac Newton (Cambridge: CUP, 1978).
[Latin dictionary ] english to latin ::.
Pour les outils et travaux imprimés concernant les abréviations paléographiques, voir ma bibliographie sur Theleme (École nat. des chartes). Latin ()
Full text of "Minor Latin poets; with.
Plurabelle - Middle Ages
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Religious Books in Newton's Library |.
Tools for Research in the Western Middle. .